Thursday, 28 March 2013

             Y'all best be prepared for this one.

             "(Brad) Lincoln 2" Expect a Travis Snider appearance. Maybe even a Lance Zawadski cameo.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I agree with your impression of Happ but have to say that it has been a looooong time since the Jays had the problem of fitting-in a 6th SP. So, maybe that is why he has so much fan support. Then of course, there is the media making as much hay as possible over his 'grumbling' throughout ST.

    1. Depth is crucial - but most haven't been supporting Happ as a sixth starter. They've been supporting him as a part of this rotation. Not to say that he can't contribute... but taken as a whole, Romero's ceiling is much higher.

    2. Yeah, I can see the logic in that analysis but wouldn't bet the farm on either of them. Both these guys could win 13-15 on any given year, its just 'which year'?
